What do I mean by this? First is to understand what “intention” means – the purpose or reason for that choice. Many students embark on this journey with no real understanding as to WHY. If asked some will say, that is what is expected of me, or I don’t know what else to do. If this is the case for you then it is time that you look in the mirror and decide is this what I really want to do? Am I interested in some facet of business and believe that my MBA will open the doors for me or will allow me to surround myself with other successful people?
The outcome or result of this intention will be in proportion to what you put into it. Therefore, the MBA student who is doing it because he or she feels she has to will likely face a mediocre experience, even if your grades are good and you are meeting future colleagues and friends for life. The student that truly embraces their MBA program and determines which aspect of the MBA they love will thrive for they will be inspired and feel passionate about their experience.
My father wanted me to be a lawyer and I really did not want to. I wrote the LSAT and applied to Law Schools. Finally, I told my father that if he really wanted a lawyer in the family than he better go back to school himself. Be true to your self and follow your heart and gut. Choose a vocation because you feel inspired and passionate about it. The money will always follow!
written by Sandra Finkelstein
My parents wanted me to go to law school and I went to b-school instead. I might not have a big gift under the tree this x-mas, but at least I'll be happy.