Monday, December 28, 2009

What do you see?

Almost everyone knows the original Greek story about Narcissus: a beautiful boy who would go every day to contemplate his own face in the waters of a pool. He was so fascinated by himself that, one morning, when he was trying to get still closer to his reflection, he fell into the water and was drowned.

In that place a flower sprang up and we call that flower narcissus.

Monday, December 21, 2009

I am changing the world in 2010. What is your New Year's resolution?

Reading Paulo Coelho’s Blog I remembered, as a kid, my grandmother’s story telling sessions. Usually each story would take less than 5 minutes; moral of the story always had a profound message or a lesson, and wisdom sprinkled throughout for a good measure. Her stories always opened my mind to endless questions and thoughts. Why did the puppeteer not follow his passion, how come no one came to help the wilted flower, why did the mother abandon her child, who is that Person up above...?

Monday, December 14, 2009

What can “Dosa” teach you about paying your business property rent?

Last week I mentioned in my blog how this pizzeria lost my (and counting...) business due to short changing us. It is purely a coincidence (ok, maybe not purely) that I decided to share another such experience but this time it has got nothing to do with overcharging your customers.
Keeping up with the traditions of “my friend and I were...” theme, sometime back in July/August, my friend and I were walking down one of the trendy downtown Toronto streets on a Sunday evening. We had just finished our dinner. It was dark (around 10ish), breeze was refreshing, night was warm and our conversation engaging.

Monday, December 7, 2009

When Will We Learn?

...and what would you like? I am asked. “Hot Peppers, Tomato, House-Made Sausage, Ontario Fiore Di Latte Mozzarella please and could you make sure that the pizza has lots of peppers!” I say after taking a sip of wine.

My friend then looked at me not at all surprised with my “lots of peppers on the pizza” request, because I love spicy food and the pizzeria started to hold back on the “Hot Peppers” the last few times we visited. Our hostess smiles and assures me of plenty peppers. After all, we spend more than $70-$80/visit for a casual dinner because the atmosphere is awesome and the food is to die for.