Monday, December 21, 2009

I am changing the world in 2010. What is your New Year's resolution?

Reading Paulo Coelho’s Blog I remembered, as a kid, my grandmother’s story telling sessions. Usually each story would take less than 5 minutes; moral of the story always had a profound message or a lesson, and wisdom sprinkled throughout for a good measure. Her stories always opened my mind to endless questions and thoughts. Why did the puppeteer not follow his passion, how come no one came to help the wilted flower, why did the mother abandon her child, who is that Person up above...?

Warren buffet, in his autobiography, ‘The Snowball...', talks a lot about following conventional wisdom that he learnt as he grew up gaining one experience after another. ‘...Business of life’, partial title of his book is there for a reason. His autobiographical accounts are full of incidents and moments where common sense guided his investments as well as his personal life. "Although he took a pasting for ignoring the 1999 surge in stocks" but the bursting of the internet bubble exhibited his commonsensical approach to investment.

Today he is known as “Oracle of Omaha” for his value investing philosophy.

Taking a quick look at history and historical figures, you start seeing the parallels. All these people who formed their fortunes in business, politics or in personal lives had not only an astute understanding of human behaviour but also very deep rooted common sense.

• Don’t bite more than you can chew.
• Stretch your legs according to your blanket.
• Do no harm.
• Be credible, honest and transparent in your dealings.
• Treat everyone with respect.
• Honour your word.
• Do your best to help others.
• Earn more than you spend/ Spend less than you earn.
• Have pride in your craft.
• Be generous in your praise and miser in your critique.
• Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
• Don’t betray someone’s trust.

I am sure this list looks familiar to you and I am also certain that you will find your own personal jewels to add to this list.

If following age old wisdom guarantees success and brings about joy and happiness to everyone around us then how come we, human beings, do not follow the same very principles?

How come our rational breaks down?

Why do we keep damaging ourselves with our ever growing greed, self consuming gluttony, immoral behaviour, and unethical dealings?

This holiday season, I wish all the parents passed along the wisdom and common sense that they picked up from their parents, to their children and grandchildren. I wish parents held themselves to the highest standards of morality and ethics.

Because, when my ‘uneducated’ grandmother told me those stories and highlighted the moral of the story for me, those morals made an impression on my young mind.

Those same very lessons are etched in memory for ever and guide me through the business of life.

When I started to work on my business endeavor, I pledged to myself and my fellow business partners that they can hold me accountable to this list. And, I want to extend the same promise to all my clients, future business partners and collaborators. There is nothing that gets me more motivated than a public pledge.

Who knows - Santa, while reading this blog, may grant my wish. After all, I have been good this year and promise to be even better the next.

Happy holidays!


  1. Thanks for the great read and Happy Holidays!

  2. I wish all business owners thought like you. This world would be a much happier and better place. Happy holidays to you too!
