Monday, February 22, 2010

Fat and Happy

Various biological studies have shown that if a toad is placed in a container along with water from his own pond, he will remain there, utterly still, while the water is heated, even when the water reaches boiling point. The toad does not react to the gradual increase in temperature and dies when the water boils.

Fat and happy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Does that seem little to you?

An old king of India condemned a man to the gallows. When the king had finished reading the sentence, the condemned man said:

'You are a wise man, Your Majesty, and curious about everything that your subjects do. You respect gurus, sages, philosophers and fakirs.

Well, when I was a child, my grandfather taught me how to make a white horse fly. Since there is no one else in the whole kingdom who knows how to do this, my life should be spared.'

Monday, February 8, 2010

Innocence and Irresponsibility

Once when Confucius was travelling with his disciples, he heard of a very intelligent boy living in a particular village. Confucius went to see and talk to him and he jokingly asked:

'How would you like to help me do away with all the irregularities and inequalities in the world?'

Monday, February 1, 2010

iPhone is all I need

After he had won independence for India, Mahatma Gandhi visited England. He was walking through the streets of London with some other people when his attention was drawn to the shop window of a famous jeweler's.