Tuesday, September 28, 2010

iPad, New Yorker and Jason Schwartzman = clever marketing

Here's an amusing little video from The New Yorker in which Jason Schwartzman demonstrates the magazine's new iPad app. Seems it works in all types of environments, and with the user in various states of undress

Monday, September 27, 2010

The road not taken

Two roads divulged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Gandhi's 7 sins

Friday, September 24, 2010

nothing to bemoan, only work to be done!

"It is pointless bemoaning the fact that human nature is sinful and carries the seeds of evil within it. There is nothing to bemoan, only work to be done. All faults, whether of vanity, pride, anger, jealousy or sensuality, must be put to work. That is the only proper way of looking at it, the only proper solution. It is work that counts. Do not concern yourself with anything else; your qualities and faults are secondary. When you have found which work is best and have made up your mind to sincerely devote yourself to it, both your qualities and your faults will become your best servants.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

East/West Spirit/Matter

"The origin of all imbalance is the lack of balance that exists between spirit and matter. It is this lack of balance that brings in its wake all the other kinds of anomaly we see in existence. Spirit and matter are two poles, two principles which human beings need to know how to work with intelligently, sensibly and carefully.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What about the ones that just stare?

"All children cry when they are born, but not in the same way. Some are heard to make a touching, plaintive sound: they are expressing nostalgia for the region of light, joy and peace they have left. As if they have accepted in advance the trials that await them, whereas many others cry in a desperate, tragic fashion, screaming rebelliously, as if they feel like caged animals and already know their life will be like a prison.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Vorsprung durch technik

"This video shows how the Audi A1 gets built at the Bruxelles production plant. The new Audi city car, created as a rival to Mini, looks like it’s going to be a success from day one and it will be interesting to see how its fortunes pan out over the next year."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Another brick in the wall!

Front Row Centre

The Amazing Face

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It seems a trifle queer

"The time has come", Said Eddington,
"To talk of many things;
Of cubes and Clocks and meter-sticks,
And why a pendulum sings,
And how far space is out of plumb,
And whether time has wings.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Inspiration upon inspiration upon inspiration

In Wes Anderson’s fourth film, we follow sea captain and oceanographer Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) as he treks through the sea in search of the illusive Jaguar shark that ate his partner Esteban. In one scene, Steve Zissou breaks the fourth wall and gives a guided tour of his ship named the Belafonte to the audience. The Belafonte set is a gigantic cross-section of a ship, allowing the audience to see simultaneously into every room and compartment. In a long continuous take, the camera pans from side to side, showing all of the rooms and their inhabitants.


Haven't come across a better lecture on the most famous equation. Decide for yourself!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's all relative! Apple Live Event Look Back ...

Simultaneity and Time Dilation

From the 'common sense' point of view, the most remarkable properties of special relativity arise from the relativisation of time. The very concept of simultaneity - events taking place at the same moment - depends on the relative speed of the observer and is not, as Newton would have it, an absolute concept.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The battle at Kruger (6 yrs ago)

You know that a YouTube video has become famous when it has its own Wikipedia page. This is an epic battle between a pride of lions, a herd of Cape buffalo, and few crocodiles shot in September of 2004 at a watering hole in Kruger National Park, located in South Africa.

Shukran, Dziakuju, Doh je, Tashakkur, Danke schön

"Someone comes to see me and explains why they feel so unhappy. I ask them, 'Have you given thanks today?' 'Given thanks? Who to? What for?' 'Can you walk, breathe?' 'Yes.' 'Have you had your
lunch?' 'Yes.' 'And can you open your mouth to speak?' 'Yes.'