Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To MBA or not to MBA – the value debate!

Other factors being equal, executives prefer hiring a candidate with an MBA. One of the reasons could be the analytical and logical reasoning mind set of these candidates. Since GMAT helps in bringing like minded students together, companies think that these candidates are better equipped in handling and dealing with the business world. Speaking the same business language, learning similar theories, debating similar case studies and applying similar practices, these candidates become familiar with the business environment. We know that familiarity breeds confidence and confidence breeds success. Hence the preference of hiring these grads!

The value debate of this program is directly proportional to the economic cycles. Peaks and troughs in the economy add fuel to this fiery debate. The greedy bunch on wall street or dalaal street do not help people’s perceptions. George Bush junior was the only sitting president with an MBA (from Harvard) and we all are testimony to his intellect. However, with the most recent financial meltdown hit us up close and personal, greed was the common denominator. And all of us are equally responsible for it. Making blanket statements against the business programs and business schools is no different than blaming Wright brothers for 9/11 attacks. Be it medicine, law or arts and entertainment, greed is in every profession. And blaming schools is not the solution.

Yes, it is true that businesses look at the bottom line and have a responsibility towards their shareholders in bringing them the highest rate of return on their investment and it is also true that maximizing profits may be the sole driver of many businesses but blaming B-schools for breeding greed is going a little bit too far. This argument, in my opinion, needs more than a casual look. The irony is that, even in academia, MBAs are looked up on as nothing more than cash cows, especially the executive branch. But these are the same people who go out and make a difference in the world.

Ask the founders of Kiva, Right to Play, MBA Without Borders

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