Monday, July 19, 2010

Truth can be very simply defined

Truth can be very simply defined: it can be likened to a medal, one face of which is love, the other wisdom. If the truth you seek is independent of love and wisdom, that is, independent of
the heart and the mind, you will never find it. But as soon as you have love and wisdom you also have truth, even without seeking it. You won't find truth as a principle in itself - it can only exist for those who know how to work with both heart and mind.

If at present there are so many different, contradictory, conflicting truths in circulation in the world, it is because they reflect the distortions of the human heart and mind. Someone will tell you, 'This is the truth!' Well, no, actually, it is 'their' truth, and that truth tells you about their heart and mind, which may be either inadequate and warped or, on the contrary, very noble."

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